Welcome to Kivy Development blog

Hello to all the Python coders and those still joining the movement.A special one to those who are enthusiastic about Kivy.Here, we will dive into the basics and hopefully to the deep parts of the Kivy framework.

Who is this for?

This blog is for anyone who wants to build the the coolest interfaces the easier way and most importantly, the building of cross platform UIs without code modification.That is you build a single app that runs on Linux,Ios, Android , Windows and even the Raspbian Os without much modification of code. The beauty of all this is that you do not need to know Java for building an Android app, or Objective C or Swift for Ios or C Sharp for Windows. The main requirement here is for you to have an understanding of at least the basics of Object oriented Python.

Why you should follow this?

You would probably say there are tonnes of Kivy tutorials on Youtube and other blogs but why should I take this one? You are right if you ask such a question because in fact a couple of Youtube tutorials like those of Derek Banas have helped me a lot in my journey with Kivy but I have faced a lot learning Kivy and have been able to get around things and some key tricks required in Kivy . So I think you will get to learn a lot from this experience.


At the end, my hopes are that you should be able to build good apps with Kivy that are cross platform and also to be able to integrate it with other Apis to build your apps.

Happy coding!!